OAKCREST ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 929 Hill Road Landover, MD 20785
(301) 808-8870
Jay Teston
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Its that time of year again, and we are all excited about the Science Fair. This year the Science Fair will be held on Wednesday, March 31, 2004.
All students in grades four through six will be completing an individual Science Fair project. Due to lack of space, Science Fair projects for third grade students are optional. Each second and third grade classroom will complete a Science Fair project as a class.
Boards and labels will be sold to the students at the cost of $5.00. The boards come in several colors, including: red, blue, yellow, black, and white. The labels also come in a variety of colors: blue, red, and black. You may send the money to school along with the signature slip on the next page starting February 6, 2004. Boards will be sold until Febraury 20, 2004. The students will receive their boards and labels in March.
Thank you,
Cynthia Cicmansky
Science Coordinator
STUDENT NAME_____________________ GRADE ____
TEACHER NAME _________________________________
- I am aware that the Science Fair is being held on March 31, 2004.
- I am aware that my child will be working on a Science Fair project in school if they are in grades 2 or 3 (class project)
- I am aware that my child will be working on a Science Fair project at home if they are in grades 4, 5, or 6.
________ My child will buy a science fair board and labels at
the cost of $5.00 from Oakcrest.
_____ red _____ blue
_____ blue _____ red
_____ yellow _____ black
_____ black
_____ white
________ My child will not buy a science fair board and
labels from Oakcrest.
PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE: _____________________
DATE: ___________