OAKCREST ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 929 Hill Road, Landover, MD 20785
(301) 808 - 8870
Jay Teston
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Congratulations! Your child made the Science Bowl Team for the 2003-2004 school year. At the end of last school year, an exam was given to all fourth and fifth graders who were interested in competing for a spot on the Science Bowl Team. The team was chosen based upon exam scores, experience (from last year), and teacher recommendations.
The Science Bowl is an annual competition between Prince Georges County Public Schools. The Science Bowl is done on an elementary and middle school level. The competitions are aired on Channel 96 in Prince Georges County. You will receive a schedule of dates and times when the show will air. Not all students will compete on TV. Only three students are able to sit on the playing team at a time. It is possible that we will switch out team members for different games to give all students a chance to compete. We chose a team of students because we need to have alternates in case of emergencies. Also, we want to have two full practice teams. The students will practice during school hours for the competition. Team members may be asked to attend practices after school once or twice a week. The students will also be asked to read science books at home or clip science related articles from newspapers, magazines, or from the Internet.
Our first competition date is TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2003. We must be at Bonnie Johns Media Center by 12:30 pm. The students need time to fill out information sheets for Mr. Z., the host of Science Bowl. The actual time we are able to leave Bonnie Johns depends upon the results of each game. Each game lasts approximately 45-50 minutes. We are able to leave as soon as our game(s) are over.
Oakcrest staff members will transport all team members to Bonnie Johns. You may also pick up your child at Oakcrest and drive to Bonnie Johns. If you choose to drive your child, please be at Oakcrest NO LATER THAN 12:15 pm. Parents may also meet their child at Bonnie Johns. Parents may stay and view the competition on TV in a room off to the side of the studio. When the competition is over, the students may then ride home with their parents. If the parents do not attend the taping of the Science Bowl Competition, then the students will need to be picked up at Oakcrest NO LATER THAN 3:30 pm. There will not be anyone at the school to watch students left after 3:30 pm.
The Center is located just inside the Capital Beltway at exit 17b on Rt. 202 at Barlowe Road. The address is 8437 Landover Road; Landover, Maryland; 20785.